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Conservation - Willowbank Wildlife Reserve & Restaurant


Willowbank works closely with the following like-minded conservation partners:
New Zealand Conservation Trust
Rare Breeds Conservation Society of New Zealand
South Island Wildlife Hospital
Department of Conservation


At Willowbank, we are supporting the nationwide strategy to make New Zealand Predator free by 2050, and in doing so, protect New Zealand’s threatened species.


The following species held at Willowbank have been classified as threatened (DoC 2016):

Nationally Endangered

Kea                                                  1000-5000 mature individuals.                   Predicted decline 50-70%

Nationally Vulnerable

Campbell Island teal                       250-1000 mature individuals.                     Predicted increase >10%

Great Spotted Kiwi                          5000-20000 mature individuals.                 Predicted decline 30-70%

Blue duck whio                               1000-5000 mature individuals.                   Predicted decline 10-50%

South Island kaka                           1000-5000 mature individuals.                   Predicted decline 10-50%

South Island takahe                        250-1000 mature individuals.                     Predicted increase >10%

At Risk

North Island brown kiwi                 20000-100000 mature individuals.            Predicted decline 10-50%


And there are many more species that are recovering from decline or are naturally uncommon.



Willowbank is home to many rare and endangered farm species, including:

  • Arapawa Island goat
  • Kune Kune pigs
  • Auckland Island pigs
  • Damara sheep
  • Enderby Island rabbits
  • Awassi sheep
  • Karakul sheep
  • Zebu cattle
    These animals are part of a larger breeding programme between Willowbank and an offsite farm where the animals are rotated from display to pasture.



An amazing team of volunteers run an onsite Wildlife Hospital that treats, rehabilitates and releases many wild and native birds. The hospital has a team of trained volunteers led by an experienced veterinarian and vet nurse all passionate about our wildlife. These volunteers take on all aspects of the hospitals day-to-day operations including manning the phone, assisting in wildlife rescues, covering rostered shifts at the hospital, maintaining the hospital gardens & facilities, helping with fundraising, public speaking and everything else involved with keeping the hospital running. As well as treating and rehabilitating patients, the hospital and its volunteers are involved in ongoing wildlife education, training and research.





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